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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Safety training can be offered for your staff, at your site.  培训师将定制每个课程,并使用您的员工每天遇到的设备提供培训.  Minimum class size is 5 participants.  Grant funding is available through the Department of Labor and SUNY.  The applications are submitted once each year, 因此,请查看我们的资助页面,了解有关资助要求和程序的更多信息.

如果你没有足够的参与者达到最低课程要求, we may run limited courses at our main campus.  Not all courses are eligible to be offered off-site.  For example, 叉车培训必须使用经过认证的设备进行.  因此,叉车培训永远不会以公开招生的形式提供.

如果你对你的组织的安全培训有任何问题,或者如果你需要一个有限数量的参与者的课程, please contact Cory Green at 585-343-0055 ext. 6602.

Training Courses

Accident Investigation

Thousands of accidents occur throughout the United States every day. The failure of people, equipment, supplies, 或环境的行为或反应,如预期导致大多数事故. Accident investigations determine how and why these failures occur. By using the information gained through an investigation, a similar or perhaps more disastrous accident may be prevented. Conduct accident investigations with accident prevention in mind. Investigations are NOT to place blame.

American Heart Association First Aid/CPR/AED

本课程为学生提供识别和治疗气道阻塞成人患者所需的基本背景材料和技能, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. 课程中存在一些变化,在传统的急救内容中加入心肺复苏术、体外除颤器训练.

Electrical Safety (including NFPA70E)

这些课程为学生提供安全用电的知识, for both qualified and unqualified employees.

Ergonomics, including Back Safety

Ergonomics is the science of designing or redesigning work, 与工人的身体限制和能力相适应. 目标是使工作需求低于工人的能力. 这个程序的目的是帮助个人认识到他们的解剖结构是如何设计的,以正确移动和抬起适当. 重点是个人和一个人的生活方式选择,以及它如何影响身体健康和力量. This course provides information to help individuals make good, 可以根据公司的具体需求量身定制的健康决策. 这个项目的设计是高度互动的,让参与者有机会体验他们所学的知识,并通过ppt或头顶幻灯片获得视觉辅助.

Fall Protection (Initial and Refresher)

Initial -这个8小时的课程涵盖了29 CFR 1926 Subpart M下的OSHA要求. Topics include analysis of the standard, types of equipment, written programs, hands-on exercises, stairway/roof/ladder/scaffold, and guardrail safety and restraint and arrest system safety.

Refresher -本课程概述了最先进的坠落防护技术和当前OSHA要求. Pre-requisite: Fall Protection Initial.

Forklift Safety (Initial and Recertification)


Hazardous Communication

OSHA requires that all employees, including maintenance and contractor employees, 涉及危险化学品的监管人员必须充分了解他们工作中使用的化学品及其过程对安全和健康的危害,以保护自己, their fellow employees, and the citizens of nearby communities.

Lockout-Tagout (Authorized and Affected)

Authorized -这个4小时的课程是为授权员工(例如:维修人员)设计的,用于安全锁定待修机械,并包括视频, test, and lab exercises in locking out various controls and devices.

Affected -这个2小时的课程是为操作员、工程师等人员设计的. Standard course to explain company posted procedures and OSHA standard. There is no refresher required.

OSHA Construction Safety (10 hr. or 30 hr.)

10小时的OSHA建筑业外展培训计划旨在为入门级建筑工人提供识别和预防建筑工地危害的一般意识. 培训内容包括工人在建筑工地可能遇到的各种建筑安全和健康危害. OSHA建议将此培训作为职业安全与健康的导向. 工人必须接受额外的培训,了解其工作所特有的危险. Instructional time must be a minimum of 10 hours.

30小时的建筑外展培训计划旨在为具有一定安全责任的工人提供各种培训. 工人必须接受额外的培训,了解其工作所特有的危险. Training should emphasize hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention, not OSHA standards. Instructional time must be a minimum of 30 hours.

OSHA General Industry Outreach (10 hr. or 30 hr.)

10小时的一般工业外展培训计划旨在为入门级一般工业工人提供识别和预防一般工业现场危险的广泛意识. 培训内容包括工人在一般工业现场可能遇到的各种安全和健康危害. OSHA建议将此培训作为职业安全与健康的导向. 工人必须接受额外的培训,了解其工作所特有的危险. Instructional time must be a minimum of 10 hours.

30小时的一般行业外展培训计划旨在为具有一定安全责任的人员提供各种培训. 工人必须接受额外的培训,了解其工作所特有的危险. Training should emphasize hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention, not OSHA standards. Instructional time must be a minimum of 30 hours.

Safety Program Development

This service is based on the inspection process performed by OSHA.  Key elements of the program are as follows:

  • Review of your OSHA Form #300 forms (last 5 years)
  • Development of Safety & Health programs with Safety Committee
  • Review of existing Safety & Health training records
  • Development of documentation of Safety & Health programs
  • Applicable standards, policies, or programs identified
  • 与公司安全委员会合作制定书面程序

安全程序开发/审查培训将帮助公司建立安全程序, safety process; such as, commitment, involvement, responsibilities, authority, hazard assessment, accident prevention, and training issues, just to name a few.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

滑倒、绊倒和跌落构成了一般工业事故的大多数. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths, and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities. OSHAlol菠菜竞猜行走和工作表面的标准适用于所有永久性工作场所, except where domestic, mining, or agricultural work only is performed.

Violence in the Workplace

Violence in the workplace is a serious safety and health issue. Its most extreme form, homicide, 在美国致命职业伤害的第四大原因是什么. 根据美国劳工统计局致命职业伤害普查(CFOI), 根据2009年的初步统计,美国有521起工作场所凶杀案, out of a total of 4,349 fatal work injuries. 已经确定了与工作场所攻击有关的环境条件,并在一些工作环境中实施了控制策略. OSHA已经制定了指导方针和建议,以减少工人接触这种危害,但目前还没有开始制定规则.